On 9th
March we became proud parents to two beautiful black and tan miniature
dachshunds called Ruby and Tilly. I have taken hundreds of photographs of them
already and will talk about them in more detail in another post.
In other
news my Tatty Devine collection is growing and recently I’ve made some new
friends who love Tatty just as much as I do, hopefully we are going to go on a
workshop in the summer together.
Work is
still the same waiting for news on what changes they may or may not make. I can’t
believe it has almost been a year since we first sent the application off
asking to move down here.
I’ve got so
many posts to write on all the things I’ve been up to since January, well since
we moved down really but this will have to do for a start. Below are a few
pictures from when we first started the great moving in and Ruby and Tilly’s
first picture at home.