It probably didn't help matters yesterday at how glorious the weather was, I longed to go out for a seafront jaunt with the husband and take a few photos but no and off I strolled to work instead. This is starting to sound like a rant against my job which it isn't. I just find getting back into routine a come down after the excitement of the looming holiday and then going away to returning and not having a great deal to look forward to long term at the moment.
When we were away and in general go on holiday, I tend to get a little spending happy and this time was no exception. The Lomography shop in Manchester was closing down and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to grab some bargains. All in all I got roughly £500 worth of cameras for less than £150. I could have easily bought more but I've got so many other film ones I have yet to try though. I bought lots of new lovely books too, mostly cooking ones including the most fabulous marshmallow one as I've always wanted to have a go at making my own. I'm sure I will be sharing what I got over the next few weeks as now I'm on a self imposed spending ban as I have to pay for my car tax at the end of the month but luckily I have lots of new things to play with so shouldn't get too tempted, at least I hope not.
Something else I did during our time away was to start drafting a story I have wanted to write for quite some time but the words to get it going had somehow never made it onto paper. I dare say this is going to be a long term project but just getting those first initial ideas down has proved inspiring and now I find myself thinking about how I want to develop my characters within the plot lines I create.
Finally, we have sort of decided what we are going to do in May when our next holiday is. Husband is hopefully having more driving lessons! We are changing the car in October and the deal has always been if he can drive by the time that happens then he gets a say in what we have, a bit mean maybe? I am going to embark on a creative project making a little quilt. It will be a challenge as my sewing skills are pretty rubbish truth be told but my mum has a new sewing machine and the prospect of searching online for beautiful retro and vintage fabrics is such temptation.
Having a little release on here this afternoon has made me feel much better even if the sky is grey and misty I can start planning new projects. Here we are on the Severn Valley Railway, photograph kindly taken by my lovely father-in-law.
Edited with Afterglow |
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