Saturday, 8 June 2013

Introducing Rex and Ralphy

Earlier this week we escaped home for a couple of days and enjoyed some glorious sun. We also had the pleasure of meeting one and then another new members of the family. My brother James and his lovely girlfriend Bec got a little beagle puppy on Sunday called Rex. After a couple of days they decided, with the help of our mum, to get another so on Tuesday afternoon I met Bec after work and we headed up to Tonyrefail to collect Ralphy. They are only eight weeks old, so tiny but absolutely adorable. I enjoyed sitting out in their garden watching them play tug-of-war with their rope and seeing them digging holes and pulling up the grass. Here is Rex 

And Ralphy, I didn't get the chance to take as many of Ralphy but I'm hoping to get more shots next week

And of course a few family shots