Sunday, 2 June 2013

Summer at last

I hope I haven't spoken too soon but over the past week the weather has perked up no end, today is sunny and warm with a nice breeze, perfect for drying washing which I've been busily doing before we head home for a few days. On Tuesday we may get to have a sneaky peek at the style of house we might buy come the autumn! If we do agree to have it we won't be moving in until about this time next year as it has yet to be built but that means we will be able to save lots of money in the mean time. No news on the job front yet, that is to be expected though as we were told mid June to hear about it. Word has spread around work like wildfire that we're planning on leaving, it has been a tough year with lots of people leaving for one reason or another but as I've said in the past it was never a certain we would stay here forever, it was a stop-gap that has lasted nearly five years. I don't think leaving will actually hit home until we don't have to come back here after being at home if that makes sense. I know when we do go the few months ahead will be a challenge with a new job and moving back to live with my parents until our house is ready, if we go for the one we are going to see, but I'm really excited about what could be ahead for us. At the moment I can do my current jobs with my hands proverbially tied behind my back, I need a new challenge career wise, it might be staying with the company or finding something else but I've reached as far as I can go in my current position. Something else that excites me about moving is the prospect of being able to do a photography course somewhere and hopefully finding a darkroom too. Enough daydreaming for now, I've got housework to get done. 


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